Friday, November 28, 2008


Just contact Pn.Yap, reminder from her.

From Boon Wei:
(最好穿S5 Tshirt),穿鞋子,以便尊重学校.希望我们能够成为第一班完成的.
记得一定要出席,拿CERTIFICATE很重要! 不能的话,

For example: I'm Boon Wei, I shall contact Tan Eng Yuan.
I will contact Kah Lee, inform her to contact Li Kee, then Li Kee to Elizabeth and etc,
make sure you remind her who is next to her and ask her to contact the next one. If not sure their contact number check out the Graduation book. And ask them to contact til their respective group only. For example: Kah Lee will contact Li Kee...until Yi Mei contact Wai Han and STOP!
-Let say you are the not the first one in the group, you can always start ask the first one in the group to start it, for example Choon Lim saw this announcement, and he quickly contact the first one in his group Jia Le to visit this blog and tell him the details giving him instruction to contact the next one then the next one to next one.

You are responsible for the one belows you, give him/her a call.
Those who always log in to here and saw this announcement, make sure you contact those 1st one in your group to check it out here, or maybe tell them the details and check out the blog.

1.Kah Lee, Li Kee, Elizabeth, Yi Mei, Wai Han.
2.Shu Ying, Hua Yin, Jee Khoon, Jie Yi, Ping Hoong
3.Xin Ni, Hui Yee, Yi Rui, Ying Yi, Joo Anne
4.Der Ching, Iiko Hui Yi, Yuen Wern, Shi Ning, Ren Hong
5.Derrick, Ian Beh, James Ng, Jason, Joseph Thong
6.Mun Hon, Chun Hui, Jia Jian, Lee Young, Kock Hwua
7.Chun Chee, Zheng Yoong, Boon Wei, Eng Yuan, Jay Wvin
8.Jia Le, Edmund, Kai Jie, Choon Lim, Chun Wai
9.Jun Mun, Wei Quan, Keenen, Xian Tze, Chan Yip.

Thank you for your co-operation. =)
Any problem just contact me, my handphone number in the Graduation Book. Just post on the Cakap Banyak-Banyak there, I will assist you xp.

If they really really really cant attend, ask them to find a friend pass them the books, and of course ask their friends to take their cert. Like Shu Ying, she maybe cant go to school on that day due to holidays, she decided to pass me her books, and ask me to help her take the Cert. BTW make sure they give you 18books! If not you are responsible for it.
That's how the way S5 go! TEAM SPIRIT =)

UPDATE: So far, I think group 1,2,4,7,8 DONE.
Those who already inform or your group everyone know already post on the chatbox please.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I got the 100th post... HAH!

(Well, this probably is the only thing today I can be happy about...heh)
Moving on...

Announcement To All 5S5-ians:
On behalf on Jun Mun~

Those of you who are going to the class trip and have paid your money.
Please claim RM5 from Jun Mun on the 3rd of December when we return our SPBT books.

(Of course, you can always opt to not collect the money and let him earn that RM5...) (=

*100th post*100th post*100th post*100th post*100th post*100th post*100th post*100th post*100th post*100th

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chinese Notes

Hey people,

I've sent out an email to you guys which contains some notes for your BC Paper preperation. I have not enough time to send to everyone, therefore I will send in batches. If you are kind enough, please forward to other 5S5-ians. Thanks. =)

Ciao and Good Luck!

Igonore the above. Finally, thanks to Xian Tze, you are able to view and download the powerpoint from blog. Below are the slides. =)

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by Click Here To Download the Original File

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by Click Here to Download The Original File

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sejarah Paper 1 Answer (not official)

For those who are interested, here is the Sejarah Paper 1 Answer.
If you wish to check, just check. My intention of posting this is just to share what I have.

1B 2B 3B 4A 5C 6B 7A 8B 9B 10D 11C 12A 13C 14C 15A 16A 17D 18 D 19B 20A
21D 22B 23D 24A 25B 26D 27D 28A 29D 30B 31C 32A 33C 34A 35C 36D 37C 38C 39A 40D

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Get's Your Bullets Prepared For BM!!!

Hello...Everyone must be now busy preparing and if you are one of those that never ban yourself from internet...Haha...Congrats...

I'm here to share some of my ideas to score well in language subjects...

1st subject will be BM...See BM have paper 1 and paper 2...Most of us will be preparing for Paper 2...But actually Paper 1 is quite important since it's consist of 130 marks...

a.)Karangan Rangsangan it's given title and things he wanted in your isi...

Try not write longer than what it asked... And you recommended to have at least 3 isi to score an A in this part...
Most of the teachers and markers said it's easier to score in this part since markah BAHASA here was low...You would not have to put in a lot bombastic words but beware some kesalahan tatabahasa yang umum...


I heard there will be 100% of
a.)karangan jenis Pendapat,
b.)karangan jenis syarahan/ucapan/pidata/ceramah/perbahasan
c.)karangan jenis surat (rasmi or tidak rasmi)
d.)komen or perbincangan
e.)jenis sastera (where you may have to write a story or anything u learned in sastera and what you got from it)

i'm not really well in this part since it's consist 45 marks for bahasa,however a good pendahuluan and ending will get u 10 marks...n u recommend to write in a way that each isi with starting of a idea utama...follow by huraian...then contoh...3 ayats...So at least 5 isi needed to score an A la...I don't know how to be good in this part...Anyway no one will get 95/100...because in each bidang they one will get perfect score for that bidang so like that 95/100 aso quite impossible... just some good things for u guys...Penanda wacana...definitely needed to boost ur bahasa marks into a higher level...
Tambahan : dan, serta, lagi, tambahan lagi, tambahan pula,

selanjutnya, seterusnya, di samping

2. Urutan : pertama, kedua, seterusnya, selepas itu,

kemudian, kemudian daripada itu, akhirnya

3. Penyataan semula : iaitu, yakni, dengan kata lain, seperti yang


4. Contoh : contohnya, seperti, ibarat, laksana, macam,

umpama, bagai, bak kata, sebagai

5. Rumusan : rumusannya, kesimpulannya, sebagai

kesimpulan, akhir kata, sebagai penyimpul kata

6. Tempat : berhampiran dengan, bersebelahan dengan,

bertentangan dengan

7. Waktu : apabila, ketika, semasa, kemudian, selepas, pada

mulanya, lama-kelamaan, lambat-laun, akhirnya

8. Sebab dan kesan : oleh itu, sebab itu, justeru itu, fasal, lantaran, jadi,

dengan itu

9. Bandingan : seperti juga, serupa dengan, sesuai dengan, sama

juga dengan

10. Pertentangan : tetapi, sebaliknya, sungguhpun, walau

bagaimanapun, namun begitu, bertentangan


11. Pengesahan : sebenarnya, sesungguhnya, sewajarnya, tentulah,

pastilah, sememangnya

Then kertas 2...

Rumusan...haha the format are like below


Petikan membincangkan ...(the first highlighted things in the topic and remember replace a words eg...sebab~faktor,langkah~cara,faedah~kebaikan,~kesan~implikasi) dalam ~~~(as a huraian eg...dalam kalangan masyarakat). This will get u 2 marks for permulaan...

Isi tersirat...Things that required in the first highlighted topic in tajuk soalan...(6 to 8)

Isi tersirat... Things that required in the second highlighted topic in tajuk soalan (4 to 6)

Ending: must have the words kesimpullannya...Kesimpulannya,kita harus ...(langkah langkah)agar ...(harapan)

rumusan will be quite easy to score if you followed the correct format...

then sastera u have to read through everything la...

you must always give a positive answer when you answering petikan umum or sastera...(Don't fight against your marks...)

Then tatabahasa... I also have no idea how to do well in this part other than praying for easier questions...

Last part novel...I don't know how u guys study...I just read through 2 novels...And sure we not have to see some gaya bahasa or teknik plot because we don't know what's epifora,anafora,metafora,inversi if we don't read...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Best wishes to all 5s5 peeps
for the coming SPM examination. 


Just another gentle reminder,
Remember to check your timetable 
for the papers you are sitting. 

Aim for straight A everyone!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Reminder! =)

Hey..sorry for the late reminder here, well I know only some of us had taken the Forecast result, but there is still more than 30 students not yet take their Forecast results, Pn.Yap have a message here, she ask me to inform all the others who not yet take their Forecast results to take their forecast results with the school office (pejabat) if you all want to.

Anyway I uploaded photos.
Here's the link.
1. Our outing-MV
2. If you are lucky to take picture with me, here you go

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Incoming!! Cheers!


Ok, being a multitasking photo/videographer is no easy job so yeah I won't say I got everything.
Juggling between 2 handycams, a point and shoot and a DSLR at a point during performances haha!

And I won't post photos in this post, not enough time to arrange them all...

However, I do have the videos done, sorry I don't have the complete performance of 5S1 to 5S4, only the back half, I'll see what I can do about it...

Anyway here goes.

Here is us 5S5 receiving our certs, if you took the time to smile at the tiny handycam on a tiny tripod in the corner of the stage front, and want your photo, contact me and I can cut it out from the original video for you.

Our class, 5S6, and 5S7's performances, specially took the time to pan the handycam.

5SF1, 5SF2, and 5P1's performances

5P2, 5P3, 5P4 and 5P5's performances

Form 6's performances

And here, we have Andrew shuffling to receive his certificate, gotta salute his boldness!

That'd be all for now.

Ian, you deserve this for your act of boldness that rivals Andrew's...

(contact me if you want the full resolution photo)

All The Best In SPM Everyone!!!


Saturday, November 01, 2008

wassup homies =D

Hihi wassup homies ... this is the first time i write thing here
and i dunno what to write =D

below are the pictures take on the 31st of october ...i hav no idea what day is that =D

enjoy the pictures below

下课了 =D

Appreciate the toilet cleaner =D

Huiyi's funny face LMAO


^Keluarga Tan^

Good luck for spm and work hard .....

Photo Sharing

Hey people. I'm sure everyone got tonnes of pictures yesterday right? If you guys want to share it in our class web album, please get the username and password from me. It's hosted by 
If you do not know how to upload, do also ask people to help. 

Check out the link above to view our class album.